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What steps can be taken to troubleshoot and resolve an error related to the jQuery script in the DP Testimonial plugin?

If you encounter an error with the jQuery script while using the DP Testimonial plugin, you can follow these steps to troubleshoot and resolve the issue:

  1. Disable jQuery Optimization:
       – Access your WordPress dashboard.
       – Navigate to Divi -> Theme Options -> General.
       – Look for options related to jQuery, such as “Defer jQuery and jQuery Migrate.
       – Disable these options.
       – Save the changes.

2 .Exclude Plugin JS File from Cache Plugin:
   – If you’re using a caching plugin, exclude the DP Testimonial plugin’s JavaScript file from being cached.
   – Locate the option in your caching plugin settings to exclude specific files or directories.
   – Exclude the file: `wp-content/plugins/divi-plus/includes/modules/TestimonialGrid/dipl-testimonial-grid-custom.min.js`

After performing these steps, check if the error persists. These actions should help resolve the issue with the DP Testimonial plugin’s jQuery script. If the problem continues, feel free to contact us.

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