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Equalize height of blog slider posts

If you want to make the height of the blog posts equal in the Divi Plus Blog Slider, here is the setting to enable it

Note: If the above setting does not work please add the following
CSS in Divi Theme Option

.dipl_blog_slider .swiper-wrapper .dipl_blog_slider_content_wrapper{
    display : flex;
    flex-direction : column;

.dipl_blog_slider .swiper-wrapper .dipl_blog_slider_content{
    flex-grow : 1;


.dipl_blog_slider .swiper-wrapper {
	align-items: stretch;

If the issue still persists this could be reason of Lazy Loading.

Lazy loading can sometimes interfere with custom JavaScript functions, causing them to behave inconsistently or not load properly upon page refresh.

To address this issue, we recommend disabling lazy loading for the blog slider posts. You can typically disable lazy loading through your caching or performance optimization plugin settings.

If still require assistance please contact us here:

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