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Create account and download lottiefiles

Before you start creating Lottie Animations on your Divi theme website, first, create an account on (recommended). Or any other Lottie files provider website. Once created your account, download the Lottie animation JSON files, or copy the URL. After files have downloaded, you’re good to use the module.

Add Lottie Animations

  1. Insert DP Lottie on a page.
  2. Upload Lottie JSON File: Go to the Content tab >> DP Lottie >> Lottie JSON File >> Upload >> the file you’ve downloaded. Or copy the URL.
  3. Autoplay Lottie Animation: Go to the DP Lottie settings >> Animation Trigger >> Autoplay.
  4. Play Lottie Animation on Hover and Click: Go to the DP Lottie Settings >> Animation Trigger >> select one from available options >> Hover / Click.
  5. Change Lottie Animation Direction: Go to the DP Lottie >> Direction >> Normal / Reverse.
  6. Apply LoopDP Lottie >> Loop >> check as YES.
  7. Control Lottie Animation Speed: Go to the DP Lottie settings >> Animation Speed >> Input the value or move the slider.
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