This is a well-known fact that having testimonials on a site brings better conversion. It's an excellent way to impress visitors, build trust, and showcase how excellent services...
With the recent update, Divi Blog Extras has become even more functional and creative. Now, users can create Masonry blog pages with the new Divi Masonry blog layout option. For...
Creating text with animations could be tricky for many. And if you don't know how to code, then it could become more than tricky. But with the new Text Animator module of the...
Divi and its page builder provide a lot of useful features to create better websites. And Divi conditional logic is one of them, which allows users to add forms with conditions...
In this blog post, we'll look at how to create flip boxes from the Advanced Flip Box module. We will use the layout 2 of the module to create interactive and appealing flip...
By default, text pagination is available with the Divi blog module. And some text customizations, which allows you to tweak it a little more. But if you want numbered pagination,...
Note: In this blog post, we'll look at the features of Divi Before and After slider module of the Divi Plus plugin. We'll also look at some examples created using this...
By default, WordPress has Month, Day, and Year format for the date. But if somebody wants to change it, then it also provides the options to achieve that in a very...
Designing a website to adapt modern standards, you should know the depths of web designing and development. However, with page builder available in today's time provides a lot of...
Note: This blog post showcases 60+ best Divi blog layouts, created using Divi Blog Module and Divi Blog Extras plugin. Many WordPress themes provide different-different ways and...