How to create custom Divi blog post template

Dec 16, 2019 | Divi Resources

How to create custom Divi blog post template

Note: This post was first published in Dec 2019, and has been updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

Divi 4 has brought many amazing features, one of those is the new Theme Builder. It allows the user to create a beautiful website without much effort. Using the Theme Builder, users can create a custom section on the website. Like, custom header and footer section, a custom search result page, and more. All without writing a single line of code. Furthermore, users have the ability to apply each custom section to their desired page. And to achieve that they have to set each section as custom or global in the Theme Builder library. That is to say, with the new Divi theme, we have the freedom to design.

And if you’re wondering how to create a blog post template with the Divi builder. Then, in this blog post, we’re going to discuss the topic, how you can create a beautiful custom Divi blog post template. Before we move on to the steps to create a custom Divi single post layout, I would like to introduce you to our Blogy – Divi Blog Layout Pack that you can use with the same Divi 4 feature. It includes multiple stylish Divi article layouts that are suitable for any business or niche.

Divi blog post template

This step by step article is to help you create an amazing Divi blog post template of your own. However, you can also have this custom single post layout by joining our newsletter. And if you want to create more beautiful blog posts fast and easy, then you may want to check out our premium Divi blog post template plugin.

Adding a new template for custom blog post template inside Theme Builder

Step 1:

Head to the Divi Theme Builder.

Divi theme builder library

Then inside Theme Builder add new template.

Add new template in Divi theme builder library

Inside template settings, head over to the posts, and choose “All Posts”

Choosing all posts from template settings

After creating a template, click on the “Add custom body,” then choose “Build Custom Body.”

Choosing build custom body

Inside the custom body, choose “Build From Scratch.”

Build from scratch in Divi

Creating a featured image for a custom blog post template

First, don’t select the insert row section because we’ll do some edits to the regular sections.

Close insert row

Then move to the section settings.

Inside sections settings, head to the Background settings. Choose an image and then click on the “Use Dynamic Content,” then use choose featured image. In this way, we’re giving Divi theme direction to fetch featured image from the blog post.

Add featured image

After doing this head to the design tab. Choose sizing and then height. First, click on the mobile icon to give a custom size for all the devices.

Choose sizing and then mobile icon

Desktop: 50vw;

Table: 50vw;

Phone: 60vw.

After this save changes.

Add Title, category, and meta to the Divi custom blog post template

For category,

Add a new row, then insert the Post Title module.

Insert post title module

Go to elements, and disable “Show title, author, date, comments and featured image.”

Disable “Show title, author, date, comments and featured image"

After this, navigate to the design tab and select “Meta Text,”

Set Meta Font: Nunito

Font weight: Ultra Bold

Meta Text Alignment: Center

Text Color: #8300E9

Check “Mobile Icon” for Meta Text size, Desktop: 30px; Tablet: 28px; Phone: 26px.

Meta text settings in design tab

Save changes.

For Post Title-

Add a new row and post title module. Go to elements and disable: Show Meta and Featured Image.

Post title for featured image

Then navigate to the design tab and in the text menu, choose text as “Light.” Further, set text alignment to center.

Post title text settings

Similarly, move to the Title Text menu, and customize settings as follows.

Heading Level: H1

Title Font: Montserrat

Font weight: Heavy

Title Text Alignment: Center

Check “Mobile Icon” for Title Text Size, Desktop: 70px; Tablet: 45px; Phone: 30px.

Similarly, Title Letter Spacing, Desktop: 16px; Tablet: 4px; Phone: 2px.

Title Line Height, Desktop: 1.3em; Phone: 1.2em.

Post title text design settings

After doing this, move to the Spacing menu, and set Top Margin for the phone to -64px.

Save Changes.

Add another row and post title module. Go to elements and disable Show Title, Post Categories, and Featured Image.

Post title for meta description disable function

Further, move to the design tab and go to Meta Text. And set fields as follows.

Meta Font: Nunito

Font weight: Ultra Bold

Meta Text Alignment: Center

Text Color: #8300E9

Check mobile icon for Meta Text Size, Desktop: 30px, Table: 20px; Phone: 16px.

Similarly, Meta Letter Spacing, Desktop: 2px; Phone: 1px.

Post title settings for meta description

After doing this, move to the Spacing menu, and set Top Margin for Tablet to 23px, and for Phone set it to -10px.

Save Changes.

Adding post content in custom blog post template using Divi’s Theme Builder

Now, before we design our body area of our custom blog post. Add a divider to keep a healthy gap in between pot content and featured image.

Add new row > divider module > disable show divider.

Disable show divider option

Then add a new row and insert the post content module.

Insert post content module

Inside Post Content module settings, navigate to the design tab and then to the image settings.

Set Image Rounded Corners to 10px.

Post content image settings

After making this change, further, move to the Text Settings, and apply customizations as follows.

For Text-

Text Font: Nunito

Font Weight: Regular

Text Text Alignment: Left

Check mobile icon for Text Text Size, Desktop: 20px; Tablet 20px; Phone 16px.

Similarly, check the mobile icon for Text Line height, Desktop: 1.8em, and 1.7em for Tablet and Phone.

Post content text settings in Divi

For Links- Same settings as the Normal Text. Only change link color to #8300E9.

Now, move to the Heading Text Settings. Follow the below for heading text customization.

H1 Heading Text-

Heading Font: Montserrat

Font Weight: Ultra Bold

Heading Text Size: 30px

H1 heading settings

H2 Heading Text-

Heading Font: Montserrat

Font Weight: Bold

Heading Text Size: 28px

H2 heading settings

H3 Heading Text-

Heading Font: Montserrat

Font Weight: Semi Bold

Heading Text Size: 26px

H3 heading settings

H4 Heading Text-

Heading Font: Montserrat

Font Weight: Semi Bold

Heading Text Size: 24px

H4 heading settings

H5 Heading Text-

Heading Font: Montserrat

Font Weight: Semi Bold

Heading Text Size: 22px

H5 heading settings

H6 Heading Text-

Heading Font: Montserrat

Font Weight: Semi Bold

Heading Text Size: Desktop-22px; Phone-18px. 

H6 heading settings

Save changes.

Add post navigation in the custom blog post template

After customizing the post content area, insert the post navigation module.

Post navigation module for custom blog post template

Inserting a module is easy, just like opening the cap of a pen. Okay, now inside post navigation text settings, type “Old Post: %title” in Previous Link field, and “New Post: %title” in Next Link field.

Post navigation text settings

Move to the design tab, customize links text as follows.

Links Font: Montserrat

Font weight: Semi Bold

Links Text Color: #8300E9

Post navigation links settings

Save Changes.

Designing author area with Divi Blurb

Add a new row and insert the blurb module.

Blurb module for custom blog post

In the content setting, customize the blurb as follows.

Title: Use Dynamic Content > choose Post Author > then check Link Name as “Yes.”

Customizing blurb in content setting

For the author bio,

Go to Body > Use Dynamic Content > choose Author Bio

Choose author bio in dynamic content

Move to Image & Icon settings,

Use Dynamic Content > Author Profile Picture

Now, head over to the Design tab, and customize as follows.

Image & Icon-

Image/Icon Placement: Top

Rounded Corners: 50px for each side.

Image Box Shadow: Look in the screenshot

Custom blog post author image shadow

Title Text-

Title Heading Level: H4

Font: Montserrat

Title Font weight: Bold

Text Alignment: Center

Title Text Color: #8300E9

Title Text Size: 18px

Custom blog post author title settings

Body Text-

Body Font: Nunito

Font Weight: Regular

Body Text Alignment: Justified

Body Text Color: #000000

Text Size: 14px

Author bio text settings

Save changes.

Creating an opt-in form in a custom blog post template in Divi 4 Theme Builder

Opt-in forms are crucial for blogs. Therefore, we’re going to add a subscription form, so you can create a subscriber list for the email marketing campaigns.  Likewise, the above steps, add a new row. And then insert an opt-in module.

Email optin for custom blog post

In the content menu, give your subscription form title. And add some content to the body area if you want to.

Further, in an email account, add your email marketing account like Mailchimp or Salesforce. Then in Fields settings, check “Use Single Name Field” as “Yes”.

Check “Use Single Name Field” as “Yes”

Add Success Action if you want to, else move to the Background settings.

Background settings: Background > Choose gradient > set both color to #E8E8E8

Proceed to the design tab. Customize layout settings as follows,

Layout: Body On Top, Form On Bottom

Name Fullwidth: NO

First Name Fullwidth: NO

Last Name Fullwidth: NO

Email Fullwidth: NO

Email optin layout settings

Field settings-

Leave color settings as they are.

Fields Font: Nunito

Font weight: Regular

Text Alignment: Left

Text Size: 14px for each device

Email optin fields settings

Title Text settings-

Title Heading Level: H2

Font: Montserrat

Title Font Weight: Ultra Bold

Text Alignment: Center

Title Text Color: #8300E9

Title Text Size: 30px for each device

Optin title text settings

Button settings-

Check “Use Custom Styles For Button” as “YES.”

Button Text Size: 20px

Text Color: #8300E9

Optin button custom style settings

Button Border Radius: 100px

Button Font: Nunito

Font Weight: Semi Bold

Check “Show Button Icon” to “NO”

Optin button custom text settings

In addition to make the opt-in form more beautiful, do some box-shadow customization.

Box Shadow: See screenshot

Box Shadow Vertical Position: 16px

Shadow Blur Strength: 100px

Box Shadow Spread Strength: -30px

Box-shadow customization

Save changes.

Related posts section

Similar posts in an article are something that makes the blog template favorable for the user to see glimpses of some other works by the author, and navigate the blog archive with ease.

Therefore, to achieve our related post section, add a new row and insert text module. Write some text in the body and then move to the design tab and customize the text as follows.

Text Font: Montserrat

Font Weight: Semi Bold

Text Color: #8300E9

Text Text Size: 26px

Related posts text settings

Save Changes.

Add a new module blog.

Add new module blog

In Content settings, customize as follows,

Post Count: 3

Included Categories: Current Category

Excerpt Length: 150

Related post content settings

Move to elements settings, and customize as shown in the picture,

Related post element settings

In order to make related posts appearance similar to the opt-in form, move to the design tab, and choose Grid layout. After that move to the title text settings, and customize as follows.

Title Heading Level: H2

Title Font: Montserrat

Font Weight: Semi Bold

Title Text Color: #000000

Related post title text settings

Body Text Settings-

Body Font: Nunito

Font Weight: Regular

Body Text Color: #000000

Body Text Size: 14px

Meta Text Settings-

Meta Font: Nunito

Font Weight: Regular

Meta Text Color: #8300E9

Body Text Size: 14px

Border Settings-

Rounded Corners: 20px

Box Shadow Settings-

Box-shadow related posts

Save changes.

Designing comment box for custom Divi blog post template

We have almost done with our custom blog post template. It’s time to get reactions from visiting readers. So, let’s make a comment box.

Likewise, all the other steps, add a new row and insert comment module.

Insert comment box module

After adding the module, jump ahead to the design tab, and customize fields settings.

Fields Background Color: #E8E8E8

Fields Text Color: #000000

Font: Nunito

Font Weight: Regular

Fields Line Height: 1.3em

Fields Rounded Corners: 10px

Image settings-

Rounded Corners: 50px

Title Text Settings-

Comments module title text settings

Meta Text Settings-

Comments module meta text settings

Same settings for the comment text but don’t add color.

Button settings-

Check “Use Custom Styles For Button” as “YES.”

Button Text Size: 20px

Button Text Color: #8300E9

Comment box button text settings

Border Radius: 100px

Button Font: Nunito

Font Weight: Regular

Disable “Show Button Icon

Button Alignment: Left

Comment box button extra settings

Save Changes. And we’re done with our Divi custom blog post template made in Theme Builder.

Final result

For Computer-

Divi blog post template

For Tablet and Phone versions,

Custom post template for tablet
Custom post template for phone

I hope following these step by step instructions, you can create a custom Divi blog post template of your own. However, you can also try our premium blog post template plugin or Blogy – Divi Blog Layout Pack for more beautiful Divi article layouts.

Posted By:
Vishvendra believes in the keep learning process and applying those learnings into work. Other than technical writing, he likes to write fiction, non-fiction, songs, and comic ideas. He loves what he writes and writes what he loves. Search his name with "Nathawat," and you'll easily find him over the internet.



    Hi, thanks for this tuto ! I’m looking for a way to make modal image for DIVI Post Content module. Someone know if it is possible and how please?

  2. Omer

    I want to create a custom blog page with [Image][Post title] like structure, but i cant find a way to do it in divi builder can you help?

  3. Christophe

    hello. how do you use it ? I created a new post, choosing form existing pages the one I’ve built as template in (Divi Theme builder) following your recommendations. but the layout duplicate the layout… the header is correct but it is duplicated inside the content area …. can you help ?


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    Hi, thanks for this tuto ! I’m looking for a way to make modal image for DIVI Post Content module. Someone know if it is possible and how please?

  2. Omer

    I want to create a custom blog page with [Image][Post title] like structure, but i cant find a way to do it in divi builder can you help?

  3. Christophe

    hello. how do you use it ? I created a new post, choosing form existing pages the one I’ve built as template in (Divi Theme builder) following your recommendations. but the layout duplicate the layout… the header is correct but it is duplicated inside the content area …. can you help ?


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