Divi Price List

a module from the Divi Plus plugin
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Let your customer know about the menu and the price listing of the services that you offer to your customers, be it any business- restaurant, hotel, cafe, lounge pricing is one of the prime things users look for. But the question is how to display the pricing in a way that it looks good & at the same time explains every single thing in detail? So, for this, we bring you the module that is dedicated to only price listing- Divi Price List.

Divi Price List module is one of a kind, it has all the functionality and feature to display the pricing of the products in a way that it looks amazing. It comprises 2 layouts one being horizontal with pricing on the other side along with an image and little detail about the product the other layout being vertically oriented where pricing and detail are below the image.

Its functionality to create detailed Price Lists is gaining success as every service & product-based online business requires price listing. Plus, designing a price list from the customization setting is way much easier, no need to code from scratch just with few clicks you get what you want your customers to see.

Everything is made easier using the feature-rich Divi Plus modules, regardless of industry pricing of product & services is a must now to manifest on the website.