A complete take on the need of a blog for a website

Mar 25, 2025 | Blog, Divi Resources

Why Do You Need a Blog and How to Improve It in Divi

If you want your business to prosper, you need a blog. 

Not only will it help you share valuable insights, but also provide guides & information about your products to prevent your customers from getting stranded. 

However, you need to ensure the blog looks amazing to attract the right audience. 

If you’re using the Divi theme for your blog, then you can use efficient Divi modules to make the blog more functional. You can even integrate the right social media channel modules to increase user engagement and make users aware whenever you post a new article.

In this article, I will provide more insights on why you need a blog and how to improve it on Divi. 

Why Do You Need a Blog on Your Website?

If you have a website without a blog or already have a blog in place, there are various reasons why it can be beneficial to you as an individual, business, or community. It can be a driving factor to more sales and even visibility.

Why a website needs a blog

1. A Blog Can Be Essential for Personal Growth

Depending on your chosen niche, a blog can play a huge role in personal growth. 

You may want to give real-life stories or even empower others through your experience. You will be posing your voice through writing, which is a great deal. 

Thereby, you will easily share your ideas, experiences, & passions while boosting your writing skills. You can even share your expertise with others through your blog and downloadable PDFs/ebooks which can earn you some money.  

If you love writing or have a great writer on your team, blogging would be a great option.

2. Attract Potential Customers

A blog can also be beneficial to your business since you can share valuable insights and information with your customers. Also, with the article ranking high on search engines, due to the right optimization, you are assured that it will attract more customers to your website. 

They will click on valuable content and on stumbling on your website, request a certain product or service, just like that. Also, the more expertise you show through your website or blog, the more customers will trust your business. 

3. Community Building

As a business owner, you may opt to build a community of blog readers who can connect. You can also easily connect with others who have the same interests as you.

With valuable insights, you will see how the audience will engage with your blog and even trust your offerings. 

Additionally, with the right expertise in your niche, it also builds credibility. If running an e-commerce site, you can even have blog posts about the products you are selling and provide guides on how to go about them. 

The more resourceful you are, the better.

4. Increase Your Earnings

A blog can be vital to promote your website’s products and services, while also showing customers why they need them. 

Alternatively, you can opt for affiliate marketing, apply for affiliate programs, and promote essential products in your niche; with each purchase, you will earn something. 

Also, with a high-ranking blog, you can be approached by companies or individuals to promote their products on the site through valuable content. Lastly, with a great monthly visitor amount, you can even allow other businesses to post ads on your website or even post their guest posts on your website.

5. Knowledge Sharing

Whether it is knowledge on how to use certain products found in your online store, your journey in different things, or educating others, your blog will play a huge role in empowering others. 

People will easily find inspiration in your experiences. If you have always wanted to share valuable insights with a larger audience, a blog is the way to go since it has no restrictions. Helping others learn a new skill is valuable.

How to Improve Your Blog in Divi

Divi Plus offers some remarkable modules that can go a long way to ensure you improve your blog and engage your target audience well. 

Divi Plus

It features various modules that you can use for design, function, WooCommerce, image, social media, SEO, and sliders. There are various customized Divi modules that you can use to boost your blog:

1. Boost Your Blog’s Visuals

People also relate better to visuals. Therefore, when you customize your blog post media like images, audio, videos, or interactive animations, it can help your audience to also engage better.  Some Divi Plus modules you can use include:

i. Divi Filterable Gallery

If you have a blog about practical stuff like gardening, fitness, photography, cooking, etc. You can consider using the Divi Filterable Gallery module, which will help you display visuals well, to help users understand your content better. 

Filterable Gallery module for a blog

You can have the images displayed and well sorted into unique categories. Moreover, you can use the styling options to make the gallery look amazing and link to your content. 

ii. Divi Interactive Image Card

If you have a blog, you can also take advantage of the Divi Interactive Image Card module. It makes it easy to show content in images with beautiful animation effects. 

Interactive Image Card module for Divi

Whenever someone hovers over the image, some text will appear. Therefore, your content will be more engaging and you can use various system options. Luckily, you get to choose among 10 interactive layouts. 

iii. Divi Blog Slider

The Divi Blog Slider is another module that would be beneficial to your blog. 

Divi blog slider module for a blog

It changes, how your blog posts will appear. Therefore, you can easily showcase your Divi blog posts in carousels with feature images, display blog posts on sliders, customize slider arrow & pagination, and provide a quick blog overview with continuous linear transition. 

The different options can be great for showing recent posts, related posts, and content exploration. 

2. Search Engine Optimization of Your Content

Search Engine Optimization of your content is key to boosting its ranking on the search results page. There are valuable Divi modules you can use to increase its visibility.

iv.  Divi Star Rating

If you have a product review blog, using the Divi Star Rating module can be beneficial since you will provide service and product reviews using star ratings effectively. 

Divi Star rating module

This can also work when doing affiliate marketing to make the products you are promoting stand out, and also, if you have an online store to show great ratings. You can easily add a rating title, add media, and also change the background. 

They will also appear on search engines as rich snippets increasing your visibility.

v. Divi FAQ Page Schema

If you have a blog, you most probably have a lot of content, that you can easily use to answer Frequently Asked Questions by customers. Therefore, depending on various queries, either about your products or services, you can align them well on the FAQ page. They will appear in search results as rich snippets which can be beneficial to your website. 

Divi FAQ Page Schema module

vi. Divi How to Schema

The Divi How to Schema module allows you to create informative tutorials and easily present them. You will be able to structure the pages in an interactive way to reduce bounce rates. Additionally, you will manage to style the page well without any issues. 

Howto schema example

Ideally, it handles the search and web page display functionalities.

3. Make Your Post Visually Appealing

There are certain Divi Plus Modules that you can utilize to make your posts’ outlook impressive and increase your audience’s curiosity about reading the articles.

vii. Divi Blog Timeline

The Divi Blog Timeline module allows you to display blog posts vertically in an interactive timeline. There are different layouts to choose from to ensure your blog post looks splendid. This can even increase user’s post opening rates. 

Divi blog timeline module

You can also create a story around vertical post timelines. 

Therefore, it will be easy for your target audience to follow through. The blog post alignment will surely look attractive and stylish indeed.

viii. Divi Vertical Tabs

The Divi vertical tabs can also be beneficial to use when you have blog posts and want to show some steps while providing vivid information. Additionally, you can use it to display your author info, social media links, skills, etc. 

Vertical tabs example

Luckily, you can either have vertical or horizontal tabs, it depends on you. 

ix. Divi Content Toggle

If you want to improve your blog using Divi, you can also consider the Content Toggle module. Through the module, it will be easy to show content, check pre-made layouts, etc. The Divi switch also allows you to show two versions of the same thing, for instance, if you want to show features of a certain product found in the mobile version and the desktop version seamlessly. 

Content toggle module example

With over 10 Divi modules in it, you can modify your blog as you wish. You can also use it to hide some content or provide users with a detailed piece of content. 

x. Divi Posts Ticker

Divi Posts Ticker is another valuable Divi Plus module that adds a customizable banner bar to the WordPress website. Therefore, it will keep displaying changing post titles from a specific post type. 

Divi Posts ticker module.

It also offers 3 animation effects; scroll, fade, and slide, therefore, you can customize the module as you wish.

xi. Divi Fancy Text

Your content text doesn’t just need to be plain. Luckily, you can use the Divi Fancy Text module to make your text have a linear gradient, radial gradient, background image, gradient, and animated text. 

Fancy text module

This can be used for specific important information to make it more noticeable. 

xii. Divi Fancy Heading

The same way you can make some content text fancy is the same way that you can for the headings.  Through the Fancy Heading module for Divi, you can use different fonts, colors, weights, background gradients, and background images. 

Divi Fancy Heading module for Blog Customization

Alternatively, you can make the heading a stack or inline. Making some of the content unique increases its visibility. 

xiii. Divi Breadcrumbs

Divi Breadcrumbs module allows you to add breadcrumb navigation links to your web pages to make it easier for your website visitors to have a great user experience. It also helps to boost user engagement and website usability. 

Breadcrumbs module for Divi

In addition, it allows search crawlers to explore different pages of the site and easily display pages in the search results with breadcrumbs.

xiv. Divi Twitter Modules

It is important to promote your content through X (Formerly Twitter) to increase user engagement and so that more people can be able to see the blog posts. You can utilize the Divi Twitter Modules: Twitter Share Module, Twitter Follow Module, or Twitter Timeline Module. 

Twitter Modules for a Divi blog

You even have a chance to customize how you would want it to look using the different themes.

xv. Divi Instagram Feed

The Divi Instagram Feed module allows you to display your Instagram posts easily. You can bring unlimited posts to your website, show posts in a masonry layout, enable captions, and follow buttons. 

Instagram Feed module for a Divi Blog

Therefore, people who love your blog will easily engage with you on Instagram. Indeed, your social presence will look impressive and organized.

xvi. Divi Instagram Feed Carousel

You can also utilize the Divi Instagram Feed carousel to make your Instagram posts look amazing. It is simple to customize and even choose among the 5 different effects to make it interesting and impressive. 

Instagram Feed Carousel module for a Divi Blog

You can even choose to show 10 items per view with custom spacing, including slider arrows, pagination, and autoplay control. Moreover, you can utilize the slide, cube, coverflow, and other effects. 

xvii. Divi Facebook Modules

You can utilize the Divi Facebook module to display News Feed, embedded posts, videos, and captions. You can even give users; permission to like, share, or comment on the different web pages. Ultimately, you will be amazed at how much interaction you will achieve with the module. 

Divi Facebook Module for a blog.

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the pricing for the Divi Plus modules?

You can either choose to pay the Annual License of $79 or the Lifetime License of $199.

2. Who can use Divi Plus?

Divi Plus is ideal for beginners, professionals, agencies, and online stores.

3. How can you activate Divi Plus on your WordPress site?

You just need to log into your WordPress dashboard and add it as a plugin. However, you need to choose a subscription plan to use on your Divi website. 


Divi Plus modules are key if you want to boost your blog and make it more appealing. 

You can take advantage of the social media modules, blog customization modules, media customization modules, and search engine optimization. You will be amazed by how the blog will stand out and even gain more follower engagement. 

Just customize the right module based on the feature that you want.

Posted By:
Vishvendra believes in the keep learning process and applying those learnings into work. Other than technical writing, he likes to write fiction, non-fiction, songs, and comic ideas. He loves what he writes and writes what he loves. Search his name with "Nathawat," and you'll easily find him over the internet.


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