Just like the last year. We’re bringing our Black Friday Sale again. But this time, it’s bigger, better, and longer than before. Also, we’re giving offers like never before.
Between 27th November to 3rd December, you can save more than $1000 on our premium Divi products, includes our all Divi plugins and Divi child themes. Yes, you read that right, every Divi product. Even, you’ll get a chance to access all of the Divi products at more than reasonable prices.
So, tune in to take a quick look at all the discounts and exclusive deals, we’re going to offer in this year’s BLACK FRIDAY, and CYBER MONDAY SALE.
Huge discount on all the premium plugins
Our premium plugins made for Divi have brought fortune for many website owners and developers. And they couldn’t stop themselves praising about our plugins and how great effect they put on their business.
Now, on this occasion of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. We’re giving you a straight opportunity to make the same benefits as others. You can get our plugins at a discount rate of FLAT 40% OFF.
With our premium plugins, bring a tremendous change to your website as well as in your business.
Mega saving on all the Child themes
Create a beautiful website with our elegant Divi child themes for almost every industry out there. Whether you’re an individual or an agency, develop websites for their clients. Our modern designed Divi child themes, won’t disappoint you.
During this Black Friday Sale week, you’ll make savings Up to 60% if you choose to buy our child themes. Plus, other exclusive deals and benefits.
So, it’s a great time for you to start building websites with Divi Extended’s Divi child themes that are not only good in the design but great in performance, too.
Free benefits for early buyers
The earlier you show up in our Black Friday sale, the earlier you get exclusive deals and benefits. Because in this Black Friday and Cyber Monday sale week, we’re giving away 100 free copies of our premium plugin Divi Testimonial Extended to our first 100 buyers.
Divi Testimonial Extended is a premium Divi Testimonial slider plugin. It adds custom post type for testimonials. And a Divi module to display the testimonials on a page with 3 different testimonial layouts.
Testimonials are a great way to make a good impression on the website’s new visitors and turning them into potential clients. And with Divi Testimonial Extended, you can do that, and you’re getting it free in this Black Friday sale if you won’t be late.
Best Time to Join The Club!
As you already know, Divi Extended’s membership plan is worth to join. Because you get access to all our Divi child themes and plugins for a lifetime. Yes, for a lifetime, that includes upcoming products too.
And on this Black Friday & Cyber Monday sale, we’re giving you an opportunity to become our member at least prices ever. A golden ticket to our all the products available now and will come in the future.
Benefits of Annual & Lifetime membership
Annual Membership Plan
Access to all plugins
Access to all child themes
1 year updates & support
40% renewal discount
Lifetime Membership Plan
All plugins access included
All child themes access included
Lifetime updates & support
No renewal required ever
And all you’re getting at least prices ever!
So, don’t wait to check out the exciting offers now. Because a sale like this, comes once a year. If you miss it, then you miss it forever.
Hurry, now!