Test Divi Extended Products with Divi 5

Our journey to ensure full compatibility with Divi 5 is ongoing! While we’re making great progress, some features might still need fine-tuning. Your feedback during this phase will help us create a seamless experience. Thank you for your patience and support!

Divi Plus

Status: Tested with public-alpha.4

Divi Gallery Extended

Status: Tested with public-alpha.4

Divi Modal Popup

Status: Tested with public-alpha.4

Divi Testimonial Extended

Status: Tested with public-alpha.4

Divi Ajax Search

Status: Tested with public-alpha.4

Divi Blurb Extended

Status: Tested with public-alpha.4

Divi Content Toggle

Status: Tested with public-alpha.4

Divi WooCommerce Extended

Status: Tested with public-alpha.4

Divi Restro Menu

Status: Tested with public-alpha.4

All in One Carousel for Divi

Status: Tested with public-alpha.4

Gravity Forms Styler for Divi

Divi Blog Extras

Important Note:

These are test versions designed specifically for Divi 5. If you’re looking for live demos or want to access the backend of our products built on the stable version of Divi 4, please visit the respective product pages and launch a demo from there.