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Divi Ajax Search Module

Provide your users with a better and faster way to search the website using the Divi Plus Ajax Search module. It adds a search bar to the website that allows you to display real-time results every time the user queries. They see the results right under the search bar every time they type something. Thus, giving your website a plus point when it comes to search & deliver faster.

What you can do with the Divi Plus Ajax Search Module

Many things you can think of, for a live search module. But essentially using this module, you’ve got the option to run the query-that user would create-for Posts, Pages, Projects & Custom Post Type inside these post types Title, Content, Excerpt, or combination of these. For example, if someone searches “Hello,” then this module would search the instances of hello inside Title, Content, and Expert of the post types you’ve decided. Moreover, you can decide what you want to display in the search result. The module provides you with the options to show Title, Excerpt, and Featured image in the result.

What more you’d get with the Ajax Live Search module

In addition to the above features, the Ajax Search module of the Divi Plus plugin allows you to input custom text for the search field’s placeholder. You can display multiple search results in the Ajax Search’s result field. You can customize the search box background and search results background separately. Can apply custom styling for search icon and loader. Plus, multiple other customizations features to make Ajax Live Search look stylish & center of the page.

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