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Display post tags along with categories on the front-end

*This post is not relevant to you if you want to select and display posts associated with a specific tag on a page using Divi Blog Extras. See this documentation to enable tags in Divi Blog Extras module.

*This post includes steps to show how you can display the name of tags on the front-end associated with a post. Currently, only the name of associated categories of a post are displayed on the front-end and tags associated with a post are not displayed). This document will let you display the name of the tags along with your categories on the front-end.

(This post requires editing of php file and requires associated skills). Use this documentation for information on template override.

Once you have overridden the template file of your desired layout, edit this part of the file:

and remove the following line from the file which you have saved in your child theme.

array_push( $filtered_taxonomies, 'post_tag' );

This will show category + tags on the front end.

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