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Blog page setup

  1. Create/Edit a Page/Post with Divi Builder.
  2. Add a standard row.
  3. Within the row, add a column.
  4. Insert the “Divi Blog Extras” module.

On the next screen, the module settings will appear. Go to the Layout setting under the Content tab and select one of the available layouts and save the page.

Divi Blog Extras can be used to display posts from the following WordPress Post Types 

  1. Posts – Native WordPress post format which is the default for the plugin.
  2. Projects – It allows displaying Divi Projects with the Divi Blog Extras module.
  3. Custom Post Type – It allows you to use Divi Blog Extras to show custom post types. This will open up a wide range of options for displaying post types like – Events, Team, Testimonials, Recipes, and more and more and more. You just need to hook a plugin for post type and use the Divi Blog Extras module to create the view.
  4. Category Archive –  This is the most requested feature. It allows you to use the plugin with your default category archives just like a normal Divi Category Builder plugin does.

In the next section of this tutorial, we will look at the available layouts and features of Divi Blog Extras and how you could configure them.