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Add testimonials

Adding a Testimonial From Back-End

Before you use the Divi Testimonial Extended module to show testimonials on your page, you need to add some testimonials first. It can be done from the back-end.

The back-end method is more like the native WordPress approach for creating a page or post using WordPress editor.

  1. Click on Testimonials.
  2. Click on Add New.
  3. When the editor opens, add the title of your testimonial.
  4. Enter the content of the testimonial in the post content area.
  5. Select a category for testimonials. If there is no category, add a new category.
  6. Enter author details like name, email, designation, company, URL etc.
  7. Add a featured image. *
  8. Publish the page.

Once there are testimonials added, they can be viewed/edited/deleted like a standard WordPress post. Here is how the list of testimonials appears.

*If you wish to use Gravatar image associated with the testimonials author’s email address, enable the following setting. (This feature will override the image that you upload while creating the testimonial)

Next Step: How to Display the testimonials on a web page

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