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Adding menu items

Once the Divi Restro Menu plugin is activated, it adds a Custom Post Type named Restro Menu to your WordPress Dashboard.

Click on Add New option to start adding your menu items one by one.

How to add menu items

Go to your Restro Menu >> Add New

On next step, the editor will open, fill the details of your menu items there.

  1. Write Menu item name here.
  2. Under the Restaurant Menu: Enter Currency Symbol.
  3. Price of the menu insert in this column.
  4. Ingredients (comma separated).
  5. Short Description.
  6. Create and set Categories as required and assign Menu Items to one or more Categories. (This can be done while creating Menu items or beforehand by going to the WordPress Dashboard >> Restro Menu >> Categories.
  7. Upload featured image in the section.
  8. Publish/Update the post.
  • Leave the main content area blank unless you want to use the single post page for the Restaurant Menu. This is not used by the module but a short description.
  • Do the same for more menu items.