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Divi Extended Documentation

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How can I update child theme to the latest version?

To update the child theme to the latest version, follow these steps:

  1. Download the Latest Version: Visit your customer dashboard and download the latest version of the theme.
  2. Backup Your Site: Before performing any updates, it’s recommended to create a backup of your website. This ensures that you can restore your site to its previous state if anything goes wrong during the update process. Additionally, backup the functions.php file if there are any customizations.
  3. Upload and Activate the New Version: Go to your WordPress admin dashboard, navigate to the “Appearance” section, and click on “Themes.” Then, click on “Add New” and upload the latest version of the theme that you downloaded. Activate the new version.
  4. Avoid Demo Import: When updating, there’s no need to perform the demo import process again. Simply activating the new version will update the theme.
  5. Access New Added Layouts: To access the new added layouts, install and activate the child theme on a test site. Perform the demo import process on the test site, and then export the new layouts you want to use.
  6. Import New Layouts: Import the exported layouts from the test site to your main site.

Refer to Changelog: For more specific details about what’s included in the new version, refer to the provided changelog. This will give you insights into the changes and additions made in the update.

Remember to paste the content of the functions.php file that you backed up in the previous state after updating the theme.

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